Is there a nesting limit for correlated subqueries in some versions of Oracle?

Recent versions of Oracle do not have a limit but most older versions of Oracle have a nesting limit of 1 level deep.

This works on all versions:

        SELECT  *
        FROM    dual dn
        WHERE   dn.dummy = do.dummy
FROM    dual do

This query works in 12c and 18c but does not work in 10g and 11g. (However, there is at least one version of 10g that allowed this query. And there is a patch to enable this behavior in 11g.)

        SELECT  *
        FROM    (
                SELECT  *
                FROM    dual dn
                WHERE   dn.dummy = do.dummy
        WHERE   rownum = 1
FROM    dual do

If necessary you can workaround this limitation with window functions (which you can use in SQL Server too:)

FROM    (
        SELECT  m.material_id, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY content_id ORDER BY resolution DESC) AS rn
        FROM    mat m
        WHERE   m.material_id IN
                SELECT  con.content_id
                FROM    con_groups
                JOIN    con
                ON      con.content_id = con_groups.content_id
                WHERE   con_groups.content_group_id = 10
WHERE   rn = 1

@Quassnoi This was the case in oracle 9. From Oracle 10 ...

From Oracle Database SQL Reference 10g Release 1 (10.1) Oracle performs a correlated subquery when a nested subquery references a column from a table referred to a parent statement any number of levels above the subquery

From Oracle9i SQL Reference Release 2 (9.2) Oracle performs a correlated subquery when the subquery references a column from a table referred to in the parent statement.

A subquery in the WHERE clause of a SELECT statement is also called a nested subquery. You can nest up to 255 levels of subqueries in the a nested subquery.

I don't think it works if you have something like select * from (select * from ( select * from ( ....))))
Just select * from TableName alias where colName = (select * from SomeTable where someCol = (select * from SomeTable x where = alias.col))

Check out

Quassnoi answered my question about nesting, and made a great call by suggesting window analytic functions. Here is the exact query that I need:

SELECT m.material_id, m.content_id,
              (SELECT max(file_location) keep (dense_rank first order by resolution desc)
                 FROM mat
                WHERE mat.content_id = m.content_id) special_mat_file_location
      FROM mat m
     WHERE m.material_id IN (select material_id
                               from mat
                         inner join con on con.content_id = mat.content_id
                         inner join con_groups on con_groups.content_id = con.content_id
                              where con_groups.content_group_id = 10);
