Is there a word for the totality of existence? [duplicate]

"Universe" doesn't mean everything in existence, because there might be multiple. "Multiverse" doesn't either, because different dimensions could have different multiverses. Is there a word that describes the totality of literally everything that exists?

Solution 1:

Yes, and that word is ... existence.

Noun: existence ig'zis-tun(t)s or eg'zis-tun(t)s

  1. The state or fact of being objectively real "laws in existence for centuries"; - being, beingness

  2. Everything that exists anywhere "the biggest tree in existence"; - universe, creation, world, cosmos, macrocosm

    -- WordWeb Online

Solution 2:

"Universe" doesn't mean everything in existence

Actually, that is exactly what it means.





all existing matter and space considered as a whole; the cosmos. The universe is believed to be at least 10 billion light years in diameter and contains a vast number of galaxies; it has been expanding since its creation in the Big Bang about 13 billion years ago.

synonyms: cosmos, macrocosm, totality; infinity, all existence, Creation; space, outer space, firmament

"the physical universe"

a particular sphere of activity, interest, or experience.

plural noun: universes

"the front parlor was the hub of her universe"

synonyms: world, sphere, domain, preserve, milieu, province

"the universe of computer hardware"

another term for universal set.

noun: universe of discourse; plural noun: universes of discourse

google: universe definition

The universe is everything. Just that, everything. You can put limits on it and then ask what's beyond those limits but if anything really is beyond those limits it was the limits that were wrong. It's only through toying with those limits that we get ideas like



: a theoretical reality that includes a possibly infinite number of parallel universes

merriam-webster: multiverse

If multiverses truly exist then they're actually just a part of the universe. The limits we had placed on the universe are what need to be redefined.

If you doubt this consider, universe is supposed to mean everything. Whatever new word you could come up with to mean everything can be subverted exactly the same way universe was when people thought up multiverse. If you use "foo" to mean everything including parallel universe and limit it that way then someone could just think up the "multifoo" theory.

The only thing that makes the universe less than the multiverse is that the universe is standard model science. Multiverse is an unproven idea. Prove the multiverse exists and you've redefined the universe.

If the universe is not infinite, people will always wonder what is outside of it. If it is infinite, people will always wonder how to get away from it.

Solution 3:

Despite its rejection in the question, "universe" by definition means the totality of existence.

Solution 4:


n. A number of supposedly co-existing universes

Considering the fact that we do not know if other universes actually exist, I think it calls for a definition related to science fiction.

Marvel wikia explains (emphasis mine):

The Omniverse is the collection of every single universe, multiverse, megaverse, dimension (alternate or pocket) and realm. This includes not only Marvel Comics, but also DC Comics, Image, Dark Horse, Archie, Harvey, and every universe ever mentioned or seen (and an infinite amount never mentioned or seen) including our own world. Everything is in the Omniverse, and there is only one Omniverse. According to the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes, "It includes every single literary, television show, movie, urban legend, universe, realm, etc. ever. It includes everyone from Popeye to Rocky Balboa to Ronald Reagan to Romeo and Juliet to Luke Skywalker to Snoopy to Jay and Silent Bob, Mickey Mouse, Harry Potter, Super Mario to Sonic the Hedgehog, etc." This includes universes outside of comics, such as Star Wars, Dragon Ball Z, Hunger Games and Assassin's Creed. The Omniverse is EVERY reality, including those published by all other companies. Even fan-fictions, cancelled works, mere fantasies, wishes of thoughts created by people, and fictional universes yet to be published are considered part of the Omniverse, simply put the Omniverse is every version of reality and existence imaginable.