How can I create a .zip file for each folder within another folder?

Under the folder images\, I have the following folders:

  • Usa\
  • Italy\
  • Japan\


I want a script that creates a .zip for each of these folders, so I have ,,

How can I do that?

Solution 1:

You can use Winrar for this.

Select all your folders, right click and select Add to archive. Now select the option Put each file to separate archive under the tab Files:

enter image description here

Click OK and you're done. If you want .zip files instead of .rar, just select ZIP in the General tab under Archive format.

Solution 2:

I assume this is Windows, as you are using backslashes.

Get 7za.exe (the command-line version of 7-zip) and put it in your %PATH%.

Then run this within your Images\ directory:

for /f "tokens=* usebackq" %G in (`dir /b /a:d "%cd%"`) do 7za a -r -tzip "" "%~G"

Or in a batch script:

for /f "tokens=* usebackq" %%G in (`dir /b /a:d "%cd%"`) do 7za a -r -tzip "" "%%~G"