What is the purpose of nameof?

Version 6.0 got a new feature of nameof, but I can't understand the purpose of it, as it just takes the variable name and changes it to a string on compilation.

I thought it might have some purpose when using <T> but when I try to nameof(T) it just prints me a T instead of the used type.

Any idea on the purpose?

What about cases where you want to reuse the name of a property, for example when throwing exception based on a property name, or handling a PropertyChanged event. There are numerous cases where you would want to have the name of the property.

Take this example:

switch (e.PropertyName)
    case nameof(SomeProperty):
    { break; }

    // opposed to
    case "SomeOtherProperty":
    { break; }

In the first case, renaming SomeProperty will cause a compilation error if you don't change both the property definition and the nameof(SomeProperty) expression. In the second case, renaming SomeOtherProperty or altering the "SomeOtherProperty" string will result in silently broken runtime behavior, with no error or warning at build time.

This is a very useful way to keep your code compiling and bug free (sort-of).

(A very nice article from Eric Lippert why infoof didn't make it, while nameof did)

It's really useful for ArgumentException and its derivatives:

public string DoSomething(string input) 
    if(input == null) 
        throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(input));

Now if someone refactors the name of the input parameter the exception will be kept up to date too.

It is also useful in some places where previously reflection had to be used to get the names of properties or parameters.

In your example nameof(T) gets the name of the type parameter - this can be useful too:

throw new ArgumentException(nameof(T), $"Type {typeof(T)} does not support this method.");

Another use of nameof is for enums - usually if you want the string name of an enum you use .ToString():

enum MyEnum { ... FooBar = 7 ... }


> "FooBar"

This is actually relatively slow as .Net holds the enum value (i.e. 7) and finds the name at run time.

Instead use nameof:


> "FooBar"

Now .Net replaces the enum name with a string at compile time.

Yet another use is for things like INotifyPropertyChanged and logging - in both cases you want the name of the member that you're calling to be passed to another method:

// Property with notify of change
public int Foo
    get { return this.foo; }
        this.foo = value;
        PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(this.Foo));


// Write a log, audit or trace for the method called
void DoSomething(... params ...)
    Log(nameof(DoSomething), "Message....");

Your question already expresses the purpose. You must see this might be useful for logging or throwing exceptions.

For example:

public void DoStuff(object input)
    if (input == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(input));

This is good. If I change the name of the variable, the code will break instead of returning an exception with an incorrect message.

Of course, the uses are not limited to this simple situation. You can use nameof whenever it would be useful to code the name of a variable or property.

The uses are manifold when you consider various binding and reflection situations. It's an excellent way to bring what were run time errors to compile time.

Another use-case where nameof feature of C# 6.0 becomes handy - Consider a library like Dapper which makes DB retrievals much easier. Albeit this is a great library, you need to hardcode property/field names within query. What this means is that if you decide to rename your property/field, there are high chances that you will forget to update query to use new field names. With string interpolation and nameof features, code becomes much easier to maintain and typesafe.

From the example given in link

without nameof

var dog = connection.Query<Dog>(
    "select Age = @Age, Id = @Id",
    new {Age = (int?) null, Id = guid});

with nameof

var dog = connection.Query<Dog>(
    $"select {nameof(Dog.Age)} = @Age, {nameof(Dog.Id)} = @Id",
    new {Age = (int?) null, Id = guid});