Letter 'Z' pronounced as 'Izzard' : how widespread and where?

From OED: (I, British (England) English speaker, agree with the remark "archaic or dialect.")

izzard, n.

Pronunciation: /ˈɪzəd/

Forms: Also 1500s ezod, 1600s yzard, (aphetic zard), 1600s– now dialect uzzard, 1800s izzet; izzart.

Etymology: apparently in origin the same word as zed: compare the dialect izzet, uzzit, and the form ĕˈzed, now or formerly in Scotland for zed; also Languedoc izeto, the letter z

archaic or dialect.

Old name for the letter Z.

First recorded:

1597 T. Morley Plaine & Easie Introd. Musicke 36 X with y. ezod. & per se.

Latest record:

1837 J. Moultrie Poems 305 In those days not a soul knew A from Izzard.

It is very common to pronounce Z as izzard in Hong Kong.

I am from India and here is my two pennies worth on the topic. It is a very commonly occurring mistake here in India to mispronounce zee/zed as (i)zehd which I feel is kinda close to izzard. Now I am not too sure if the two are connected. But there sure is a similarity in the pronunciation.