Mailbox unavailable. The server response was: 5.7.1 Unable to relay for [email protected] [closed]

Aahh got it... I got it working :)

Thanks Christopher, your suggesion is correct.

But, finding "Default SMTP Virtual Server" was tricky ;)

Even if you use IIS7 to deploy your web site, you have to open IIS6 Manager to configure SMTP server (why?).

I configured SMTP server as follows to make things work:

  1. Open IIS6 Manager using Control Panel --> Administrative Tools.
  2. Open SMTP Virtual Server properties.
  3. On General tab, Set IP address of the Web server instead of "All Unassigned".
  4. In Access tab, click on Relay button, this will open Relay Restrictions dialog.
  5. In relay computers list, add the loopback IP address i.e and IP address of the Web server, so that they can pass/relay emails through the SMTP server.

herein lies the answer... IIS Settings

IIS-->Default SMTP Virtual Server-->Properties-->Access-->Relay restrictions just add or exclude the IPs you care about, should resolve the issue.