Is there a maximum length for overtime in Lúcioball?

Based on numerous posts (1, 2, for starters) reporting a bug related to an unreachable ball causing "permanent" overtime, it would seem that there is no time limit.

However, according to this post, the game automatically ends after 90 minutes of overtime.

My two friends and I embarked on our, Lucio ball comp placement matches, we met another great group that we are now in contact with, however during overtime, the ball just dissipated and then it was infinite overtime, we spent an hour and a half, wall riding and boosted jumping for the hopes of all the exp, however the match just automatically ended at an hour and half, We were hoping to get the exp back, and possible reimbursement for the trauma, and to make up for the night terrors that I have every night of being stuck in a lucio ball match with no ball. It's just Lucio at that point.