Android emulator-5554 offline

Solution 1:

1 . Simply "Wipe data" to fix this issue.

enter image description here

2 . If it doesn't work, go to emulated device and enable developer options > enable usb debugging

Solution 2:

In such a case, you can do all of the following in order to be assured that your emulator starts working again :

  1. Go to cmd and type adb kill-server
  2. Go to task manager and find adb in processes. If you find one, right click on it and click on end process tree.
  3. In eclipse, go to Window>Android Virtual Device Manager, click on the AVD you want to launch, click on start and uncheck "Launch From Snapshot" and then click on launch.

That's it! It will take a while and it should resolve your problem.

Solution 3:

The way that Android detects emulators is by scanning ports starting at port 5555.

The number you see in the adb devices list (in your case 5554) will be one less than the port that adb is finding open.

You probably have a process running that is listening on port 5555. To get rid of the "offline" device, you will need to find that application and close it or reconfigure it to listen to a different port.

Solution 4:

This solution is for Windows.

(See @Chris Knight's solution for Mac/Linux)

  1. Start Windows Powershell:

    Start -> type 'powershell' -> Press ENTER

  2. Run the following command: adb devices

PS C:\Users\CJBS>adb devices
List of devices attached
emulator-5656   host
emulator-5652   host
12b80FF443      device

In this case, 12b80FF443 is my physical device, and the emulator-* entries are garbage.

  1. Per @Brigham, "The way that Android detects emulators is by scanning ports starting at port 5555.". The port number is indicated after the emulator name (in this case 5656 and 5652). The port number to check is the emulator port number plus 1. So in this case:-

    5656 + 1 = 5657

    5652 + 1 = 5653

    So let's see which program is using these ports. In this case, the ports to check both start with "565". So I'll search for ports in use starting with 565. Execute: netstat -a -n -o | Select-String ":565"

PS C:\Users\CJBS> netstat -a -n -o |  Select-String ":565"

  TCP         ESTABLISHED     5944
  TCP         ESTABLISHED     5944
  1. The final field in this output is the PID (Process ID) - in this case it's PID 5944 for both of these two ports. So let's see what this process ID is. Execute: tasklist /v | Select-String 5944. Replace 5944 with the output of the previous command:

PS C:\Users\CJBS> tasklist /v | Select-String 5944

adb.exe                       5944 Console                    1      6,800 K Running         MyPCName\CJBS          0:06:03 ADB Power Notification Window

What a surprise. It's ADB. As noted by other answers, it could be other programs, too.

  1. Now, just kill this process ID. Execute kill 5944, replacing 5944 with the PID in the previous command.

PS C:\Users\CJBS> kill 5944
  1. To confirm that the spurious emulator is gone, re-run the following command: adb devices

PS C:\Users\CJBS>adb devices
List of devices attached
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
12b80FF443      device

ADB re-starts (as it was previously killed), and it detects no more fake emulators.