Minecraft - Play a certain sound from a /playsound value

If I run this command:

/playsound ambient.cave master @a ~ ~ ~ 1

It plays a cave sound, but when I run it again, it plays a different cave sound.

On the wiki, it says there are 18 different cave sounds for that one command, so I've tried to do something like this:

/playsound ambient.cave1 master @a ~ ~ ~ 1

But nothing plays.

Is there a way to play a certain cave sound (or any sound value with multiple sounds) every time?

Solution 1:

According to most sources I could find on the internet, you can not play a specific variation of the sound every time. The sound variation is randomly chosen by the client when the command is executed.

Solution 2:

you can you just have to add a little more to a resource pack. all you have to do is add to your sounds.json


you can have the first text whatever. it is what you use to call the sound

now you must find the sound/music you want to play. and describe where it is located in the bolded area