What's the difference between bole, stem and trunk?

Solution 1:

The stem of the plant is responsible for providing support to the leaves, flowers or fruits of a tree. On the other hand, a trunk of a tree provides a structure for the whole tree, including stems, leaves, flowers and fruits. The trunk also connects the leaves to the roots. The word stem usually refers to a plant, while a trunk refers to a tree.

And bole is a synonym for trunk and means the same.

Solution 2:

The use and terminology by a client as to bole/trunk of the tree.

At what point does the bole of the tree (trunk) change to the roots? we have a buttressing trunk to buttressing roots.

Therefore is then a buttressing trunk still part of the bole of the tree (trunk) above ground; even though the bole of the trunk is ascending up into the main trunk.

As I have to measure from the closest part of the bole of the tree (trunk) to a habitable dwelling.

Solution 3:

  1. Trunks are rigid, while stems are more flexible. Stems grow to expose leaves as well as flowers.
  2. Stems are directly connected to leaves whereas trunks do not have a direct connection with leaves, buds, and flowers.
  3. Trunks are surrounded with tough texture bark while stems are not covered with bark.

See distinctions at Core Differences