Create/Createable, update/updateable, delete/deletable?
Solution 1:
Collins includes:
deletable adjective able to be deleted
And it allows the following derived forms of create and update:
creatable (creˈatable) adjective
updateable (upˈdateable) adjective
The American Heritage Dictionary includes:
cre·at′a·ble adj.
de•let′a•ble, adj.
… but not updatable or updateable.
Based on the above, the following would be correct:
- isUpdateable
- isCreatable
- isDeletable
However, since the above sources do not agree with each other it’s possible that there are other sources which do allow updatable and createable.
So, the situation is somewhat confused. Perhaps you just have to accept that the absence of the extra “e” in deletable is just one of those things.