Key specs of USB Flash Drives used for saving game data

Make sure that the USB drive you choose is between 1GB and 16GB storage size. Not knowing which error you received, I'm not sure how best to advise you. Here are some links that may help you though.

  • XBox's USB Storage Overview
  • How to configure your USB drive

Also, don't buy the 360 branded USB drive. It is ridiculously overpriced!

As others have said, you definitely want to make sure you have enough storage space. Nothing will be worse than trying to save your game, but not having enough space.

However, speed may also be a factor. I used to believe that all USB sticks were created equal in terms of speed. I thought all USB 2.0 sticks were equally fast. Then I went online and saw some sticks being reviewed much better than others. I won't say where or which ones, so that nobody will think I am a shill.

In summary, I was very skeptical and bought the supposedly much faster USB sticks because they were only slightly more expensive. They were no joke. The sticks actually were faster. I can put them in the same computer in the same port, and you don't even need a benchmark. I can write and read files to and from these sticks at a significantly faster speed than the other ones I own. The progress bars on the file transfer move way faster, every single time on all brands of computer with all sizes of file. There's no mistaking it.

Also, some USB sticks are far more durable than others. If you are running around LAN parties, or between friend's houses, you might want to get one that is rubberized or metal, instead of cheap plastic. If it breaks, you lose your save games! Maybe you should get two sticks, to have a backup. Also, maybe get one with a lanyard so that you are less likely to lose it in the first place.