How to assert inside a RecyclerView in Espresso?

Pretty easy. No extra library is needed. Do:

            .check(matches(atPosition(0, withText("Test Text"))));

if your ViewHolder uses ViewGroup, wrap withText() with a hasDescendant() like:

                .check(matches(atPosition(0, hasDescendant(withText("Test Text")))));

with method you may put into your Utils class.

public static Matcher<View> atPosition(final int position, @NonNull final Matcher<View> itemMatcher) {
    return new BoundedMatcher<View, RecyclerView>(RecyclerView.class) {
        public void describeTo(Description description) {
            description.appendText("has item at position " + position + ": ");

        protected boolean matchesSafely(final RecyclerView view) {
            RecyclerView.ViewHolder viewHolder = view.findViewHolderForAdapterPosition(position);
            if (viewHolder == null) {
                // has no item on such position
                return false;
            return itemMatcher.matches(viewHolder.itemView);

If your item may be not visible on the screen at first, then scroll to it before:

            .check(matches(atPosition(87, withText("Test Text"))));

You should check out Danny Roa's solution Custom RecyclerView Actions And use it like this:

    .check(matches(withText("Test text")));

Just to enhance riwnodennyk's answer, if your ViewHolder is a ViewGroup instead of a direct View object like TextView, then you can add hasDescendant matcher to match the TextView object in the ViewGroup. Example:

    .check(matches(atPosition(0, hasDescendant(withText("First Element")))));