How do you install Minecraft mods on a Mac?

I've seen videos for Minecraft mods which add features like oil, pipes and guns. Where can I find these mods, and how do I install them on a Mac?

Solution 1:

  1. Download the .ZIP file
  2. Extract it to some directory.
  3. Go to the directory you just created.
  4. Open a new Window
  5. Go to ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/bin
  6. Look for a file called minecraft.jar
  7. Rename that file to
  8. Unzip it
  9. Drag all files ending with .CLASS into the minecraft.jar FOLDER
  10. Delete the META-INF folder.
  11. You're done!

Solution 2:

This video is fairly old, but installing mods hasn't changed since it was made:

The mod pack

The instructions

A tutorial for general mods: