What is a word for an inconsequential place or small errand?

Suppose there are several small souvenirs I would like to buy while travelling. I might call them trinkets or knick-knacks; generally, they are things that I want but are of little overall importance.

If instead I want to describe unimportant places I would like to stop while travelling, what would I call them? As examples, perhaps I want to stop at a local bookstore, a grocery store, and a certain pier. Like my souvenirs, these places aren't important (they certainly aren't landmarks), but I still would like to see them.

As an example sentence:

I have several _____ to visit before I finish my vacation here.

To describe the diverse and not so important visits you make in the example I'd use:

I have several stops to make before I finish my vacation here.

1.1 A break or halt during a journey:
'allow an hour or so for driving and as long as you like for stops'


How about:

I have several odds and ends to tie up before I leave