minidlna and samsung tv file format doesn't support

I have PC with XUbuntu 12.04 and Samsung 27A950, so I want to use my PC like dlna server. But I can run file of any format on my TV, get error: "File format doesn't support". I try to open *.avi, *.mkv and *.jpg files the same result. In error log I can see:

[2013/06/27 12:34:03] upnphttp.c:1907: error: Error opening /home/family/media/file1.mkv
[2013/06/27 12:34:06] upnphttp.c:1907: error: Error opening /home/family/media/file2.avi

So, I have no idea why it doesn't work. Any suggestions?

miniDLNA version:

Version 1.24.1-stedy

Config file is default, only few directories added. With version of the default Ubuntu repository was the same. Some time ago I tried mediatomb, had the same error.

Solution 1:

Here are the settings of our /etc/minidlna.conf to stream audio, video, or pictures without issue to our Samsung UE40ES6100 smart TV:


Make sure you stream on the port your TV listens to. You may also have to make sure that this port is accessible for your TV from your router. In case the port is wrong your TV may not see miniDLNA at all.


Media directories

Put here the directories to add to miniDLNA's media library. These directories may need consideral time for scanning on the first run. Unfortunately there is no feedback from miniDLNA when it is finished with scanning. Make sure the group minidlna has read acess to these directories. Replace the full path and directory name with your's.


Data base and log directory

This is where miniDLNA stores it's database and log files. It's crucial to give the group minidlna write permission to the path you give here.

db_dir=/home/<user>/.config/minidlna # or any other directory
log_dir=/home/<user>/.config/minidlna # or any other directory

Model number

This may not be needed, but our TV did not recognize miniDLNA unless we gave it the model number AllShare here.


Other settings

These settings were set per default but I will post them here just in case they are not.

network_interface=eth0 # change appropriately, e.g. wlan0 if you stream from wireless
friendly_name=miniDLNA # how miniDLNA is named on the TV