Solution 1:

I came across the same problem today on Ubuntu 12.04. The main problem is that the Emacs window is not brought to front.

I am using Ubuntu 12.04 with Emacs/AucTex/Okular/TexLive 2011. I found that if I press Shift+LeftMouse twice in Okular, the Emacs window will be brought front. So this can be seen as a workaround.

You could also configure the Custom Text-Editor in Okular.

First install xdotool

sudo apt-get install xdotool

Then save the following script

emacsclient -a emacs --no-wait +$1 $2

filename=$(basename "$fs")
pathname=$(dirname "$fs")
xdotool search --name $filename windowactivate

The script will first call emacsclient, then bring a window whose title contains the filename of the TeX source to front.

Make the script executable and write the following command (don't include ~ in your path) in the Custom Text-Editor in Okular.

<absolute-path-to-script> %l %f

Hope it works.