Xcode 6.4 showing duplicate 'Simulators' with Unique Id
Solution 1:
Solution from sunnyxx's weibo:
1.quit Xcode and iOS Simulator
2.killall -9 com.apple.CoreSimulator.CoreSimulatorService
3.rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices
4.reopen Xcode
Edit: sudo seems unnecessary to kill SimulatorService.This solution will remove all exist simulator and recreate all available version and type simulators.
Solution 2:
I have an easier way to fix this.
Run the following:
xcrun simctl list devices | grep -v '^[-=]' | cut -d "(" -f2 | cut -d ")" -f1 | xargs -I {} xcrun simctl delete "{}"
Solution 3:
You can use the following command :
snapshot reset_simulators
If you don't already have snapshot installed :
sudo gem install snapshot
More info on snapshot here : https://github.com/krausefx/snapshot#installation
Solution 4:
Looks like a ton of simulators were split into separate devices when updating. So what it sounds like you'd like to do is reduce your list of output decides.
To view the list of simulators, on the menu bar, goto: Window > Devices. Here you will see all the simulators shown in your output list. There is no reason to not delete and start over by adding the simulators you want
Solution 5:
Go to the terminal to see the list of simulators using:
xcrun simctl list
Use the id's to delete the duplicates using:
xcrun simctl delete <ID>
xcrun simctl delete 4B645F13-D130-412D-8EB4-B49BE7E2D7DA