@UniqueConstraint annotation in Java

Solution 1:

To ensure a field value is unique you can write

String username;

The @UniqueConstraint annotation is for annotating multiple unique keys at the table level, which is why you get an error when applying it to a field.

References (JPA TopLink):

  • @UniqueConstraint
  • @Column

Solution 2:

You can use at class level with following syntax

public class SomeEntity {
    @Column(name = "username")
    public String username;

Solution 3:

I'm currently using play framework too with hibernate and JPA 2.0 annotation and this model works without problems

@Table(uniqueConstraints={@UniqueConstraint(columnNames = {"id_1" , "id_2"})})
public class class_name {

public Long id;

public Long id_1;

public Long id_2;


Hope it helped.

Solution 4:

Note: In Kotlin the syntax for declaring the arrays in annotations uses arrayOf(...) instead of {...}

@Table(uniqueConstraints=arrayOf(UniqueConstraint(columnNames=arrayOf("book", "chapter_number"))))
class Chapter(@ManyToOne var book:Book,
              @Column var chapterNumber:Int)

Note: As of Kotlin 1.2 its is possible to use the [...] syntax so the code become much simpler

@Table(uniqueConstraints=[UniqueConstraint(columnNames=["book", "chapter_number"])])
class Chapter(@ManyToOne var book:Book,
              @Column var chapterNumber:Int)