Could not load the "" image referenced from a nib in the bundle with identifier

when I load my application it shows a warning message that

"Could not load the "" image referenced from a nib in the bundle with identifier "

I searched and confirmed all my images. But it still shows that warning.

  1. Select your image(s) in Project Navigator.
  2. Open the File Inspector.
  3. Make sure you have the target selected.

Add your image to the target

I had the same issue when I Refactor to Storyboard. Apparently the Asset catalog does not transfer the image reference. To fix, see below:

You would notice that your ImageViews is empty from reference.

Image Views

1 - Click on the ImageView

Click the Image View

2 Go to the Utilities bar where you would see you asset image is unknown

Unknow Image

3 - Change it back to you image asset

Choose your image again

This should fix your error. Hope this helps!