What considered "SSH" for Windows Servers?

Remote desktop. It's not exactly like it but does the tasks that you're accustomed to under linux.

There used to be a telnet server in windows but telnet is too insecure these days.

There are Windows ports of OpenSSH out there which will allow you to run an SSH Daemon on a Windows box, the main one I've used in the past doesn't seem to have been updated in a very long time so I'd rather not link to it, I'm pretty certain it uses a code base that has a number of known holes.

Alternatively SysInternals PSexec allow you to easily get a remote cmd shell on a Windows system provided you have the appropriate accounts. It's not as much of a multipurpose tool as SSH but if you are looking for a remote command line then it will do the trick and it has the advantage of not actually requiring you to install a service on your target beforehand which is a big plus.