Since upgrading to Max OS X 10.7.2 and converting my MobileMe Account to iCloud I am receiving endless dialog boxes asking about syncing Yahoo Contacts.

I cannot find settings anywhere to turn this off. I have to manually dismiss these frakking dialogues, which come up at the rate of about one an hour.

I was curious about this myself and started by looking in Activity Monitor, found that "launchd" was the service that kicked off the Yahoo Contacts Sync. After some googl'ing I found out that custom scripts for launchd get executed from the ~(user)/Library/LaunchAgents folder. In there, you'll find the culprit -- at least, I did. Now I dunno if I should simply delete them (since I don't care about syncing contacts, I don't use the or if I can just disable it by tweaking the plist file. Hope that helps!

EDIT: I discovered that going into the preferences and unchecking the accounts listed caused the plist files to be removed. If you check them again, they reappear. Works for me! :)

Here is how I solved this:

  1. launch Address Book
  2. go to Preferences -> Accounts tab -> On My Mac item
  3. check Synchronize with Yahoo! box (which was unchecked for me)
  4. choose cancel in the resulting dialogue box

I can only guess that checking Synchronize with Yahoo! and canceling the resulting dialogue shook some sense into some forgotten settings.