Short word or phrase for the acquisition of specific pieces of knowledge

On the Latin Language Stack Exchange (which is in private beta right now), I wish to create a tag for question asking for how we come to know certain facts about the Latin language, for example:

  • How do we know how the Romans pronounced Latin?
  • How do we know that comperendinare means to adjourn for three days?

I am looking for a concise English name for this tag. It can be a word of any class or a short phrase.

So far I considered and rejected

  • how-do-we-know – This is what I named the tag for now, but I consider it rather unelegant for a tag name.

  • epistemology – This on a different level as it is about how we acquire knowledge in general, not about how we acquired a specific piece of knowledge.

  • research – This implies that the knowledge is acquired by a targetted endeavour which does not need to be the case. Also, the word is not well suited for a tag name as it may also apply to research about the Latin language in general.

When answering, please consider whether your suggestion can be interpreted otherwise when used as a tag on a language Stack Exchange (such as this one).

Solution 1:

Perhaps evidential-basis would work?

Solution 2:

You could shorten your first suggestion to: how-we-know.

I like this because it's clear what the tag means and it doesn't use any fancy words.