Optimize Sieve of Eratosthenes Further

I have written a Sieve of Eratosthenes--I think--but it seems like it's not as optimized as it could be. It works, and it gets all the primes up to N, but not as quickly as I'd hoped. I'm still learning Python--coming from two years of Java--so if something isn't particularly Pythonic then I apologize:

def sieve(self):
        is_prime = [False, False, True, True] + [False, True] * ((self.lim - 4) // 2)
        for i in range(3, self.lim, 2):
            if i**2 > self.lim: break
            if is_prime[i]:
                for j in range(i * i, self.lim, i * 2):
                    is_prime[j] = False
        return is_prime

I've looked at other questions similar to this one but I can't figure out how some of the more complicated optimizations would fit in to my code. Any suggestions?

EDIT: as requested, some of the other optimizations I've seen are stopping the iteration of the first for loop before the limit, and skipping by different numbers--which I think is wheel optimization?

EDIT 2: Here's the code that would utilize the method, for Padraic:

primes = sieve.sieve()
for i in range(0, len(primes)):
    if primes[i]:
        print("{:d} ".format(i), end = '')
print() # print a newline

Solution 1:

a slightly different approach: use a bitarray to represent the odd numbers 3,5,7,... saving some space compared to a list of booleans.

this may save some space only and not help speedup...

from bitarray import bitarray

def index_to_number(i): return 2*i+3
def number_to_index(n): return (n-3)//2

LIMIT_INDEX = number_to_index(LIMIT_NUMBER)+1

odd_primes = bitarray(LIMIT_INDEX)
# index  0 1 2 3
# number 3 5 7 9


for i in range(LIMIT_INDEX):
    if odd_primes[i] is False:
    n = index_to_number(i)
    for m in range(n**2, LIMIT_NUMBER, 2*n):
        odd_primes[number_to_index(m)] = False

primes = [index_to_number(i) for i in range(LIMIT_INDEX)
          if odd_primes[i] is True]

print('primes: ', primes)

the same idea again; but this time let bitarray handle the inner loop using slice assignment. this may be faster.

for i in range(LIMIT_INDEX):
    if odd_primes[i] is False:
    odd_primes[2*i**2 + 6*i + 3:LIMIT_INDEX:2*i+3] = False

(none of this code has been seriously checked! use with care)

in case you are looking for a primes generator based on a different method (wheel factorizaition) have a look at this excellent answer.