What are the plug-in chips' caps?

Solution 1:

All stackable plug-in chips have hard caps. You won't know these caps until you hit them, but the game will tell you what they are.

I found this Steam thread that has all of these caps listed.

Here are the cap values:

  • Weapon Attack Up : +100%
  • Critical Up :+30%
  • Shock Wave :"very powerful"
  • Offensive Heal : 100% of damage dealt as HP
  • Ranged Attack Up : +100%
  • Last Stand : +100% damage if HP is 25% or less
  • Counter : send back 250% damage
  • Charge Attack : +400%
  • Melee Defense : 80%
  • Ranged Defense : 80%
  • Anti Chain Damage : 6 seconds
  • Resilience : avoid stagger if above 5% hp
  • Max HP Up : +100%
  • Deadly Heal : recover 100% hp on kill
  • Auto-Heal : 18%hp/sec after 4sec
  • Damage Absorb : 50% chance to restore 200% of damage taken
  • Reset : 50% chance of reviving with 80% hp
  • Fast Cooldown : 50% cooldown reduction
  • Evade Range Up : +200%
  • Moving Speed Up : +20%
  • Drop Rate Up : +90%
  • EXP Gain Up : +100% exp
  • Vengeance : 50% chance that 200% of damage taken is dealt back
  • Overclock : slow time for 5.5sec after a perfect evade
  • Taunt Up : +500% damage dealt and taken
  • Hijack Boost : +9 level for controlled enemies
  • Stun 25m blast : + 5 seconds stun on a succesful hack
  • Combust : fire for 7 seconds
  • Heal Drops Up : 100% chance to get healing items upon hacking

I may be wrong, but based on a few of the fully listed plug-in chip upgrades I'm seeing on the wiki, it seems like these caps are equivalent to the bonus you would receive from a plug-in chip that has been upgraded to +8.