How can I lower germ levels?

The people of my city keep complaining the area is too germy but I have absolutely 0 idea on how to fix this. I haven't made my city too large, everything's pretty small and I have a clinic open with an extra Patient Rooms Wing and ambulance

Solution 1:

Make sure pollution from your industrial zones isn't blowing into your city (plant trees in between the residential zones and industrial zones to prevent this.

Make sure garbage isn't left lying around the streets, you can check this on the garbage maps.

Make sure sewage is dealt with adequately, and don't build your sewage pipe near people's homes.

Ensure that your water system is pumping clean water around your city, by using filtration pumps.

Solution 2:

As Xenox mentioned, you need to keep your city clean of pollution from sewage, factories and the garbage your sims will naturally leave behind.

What also helps though is education. Education is an often over looked but hugely helpful way to help manage your Sims. The benefit that you are looking for here is that they will take better care of themselves and overall be healthier. Combine this with keeping your pollutants away from where they live and it will go a long way.

Nothing can really clear up ground/water pollution except for time. You can however plant trees (they are under the $$ wealth parks on the second page) to help with air pollution. The pollution will kill the trees off over time so you will have to replant them from time to time but they do help reduce the sickness caused by air pollution.

Anywho, Hope this helps.

Solution 3:

There is also an addon for the Hospital Building that clears germs afaik.