Are these Lucky Charms?

In "A Dark Room" I noticed I can take a Charm when exploring. I never seem to run out of them so I take one every time. I have no idea what they do though. Are they Lucky Charms? Do they increase some kind of stat? Do they make you get attacked more? Less?

Solution 1:

If you have one when you're exploring, and you come across a frog in a swamp (M), and you give one to it, you will obtain the "gastronome" perk. This will double the amount of health that you gain when you eat cured meat. The perk is permanent, just like all other perks.

Solution 2:

First off, it's an old man in a swamp that you have to give it to, and secondly, the perk is permanent. So every adventure you go on after that, you will heal more from eating meat.