How do I install the latest Python version in Ubuntu? [duplicate]
How to update to the latest Python version in Ubuntu? I tried sudo apt-get install python3
but it says that the current (3.3.1) is already the latest.
Try adding this PPA (notice, I haven't tested it, but it looks fine):
To do this, open a terminal, and run this:
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:fkrull/deadsnakes # Adds the PPA
sudo apt-get update # Updates the lists
And then run the system updates (I would recommend this over sudo apt-get install python3
because other packages may need to be updated for it to work fine):
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade # dist-upgrade might be needed if python3
# needs to install or remove packages
# for it to work
Ubuntu 13.04 comes with pre-loaded python3 (3.3.2). So you may already have python3 (3.3.2) installed. try python3
in terminal instead of just python