How do you rename a library filename in CMake?

Solution 1:

You can change the Prefix, Output Name and Suffix using the set_target_properties() function and the PREFIX / OUTPUT_NAME / SUFFIX property in the following way:


    set_target_properties(new_thing PROPERTIES PREFIX "")

Output Name:

    set_target_properties(new_thing PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME "better_name")


    set_target_properties(new_thing PROPERTIES SUFFIX ".so.1")

Solution 2:

Since this has to do with the filename, you might think to look at install for the answer. (And sure enough, there's a RENAME clause, but that's a red herring.)

Instead, change the target, using the set_target_properties command.

Library targets have the built-in property, PREFIX. The other relevant one is SUFFIX. These two properties get tacked on to the target name to decide the final filename at install.

For the OQ:

# By default, the library filename will be ``
add_library(new_thing ${NEW_THING_SRCS})

# This changes the filename to ``
set_target_properties(new_thing PROPERTIES PREFIX "")

Let's say you also wanted the filename to have the version:

# This then changes the filename to ``,
# if the version is set to "1".
                   SUFFIX ".so.${NEW_THING_VER}"