Disable global variable lookup in Python

Yes, maybe not in general. However you can do it with functions.

The thing you want to do is to have the function's global to be empty. You can't replace the globals and you don't want to modify it's content (becaus that would be just to get rid of global variables and functions).

However: you can create function objects in runtime. The constructor looks like types.FunctionType((code, globals[, name[, argdefs[, closure]]]). There you can replace the global namespace:

def line(x, a0, b0):
   return a + x * b  # will be an error

a, b = 1, 1
y1 = line(1, a, b)  # correct result by coincidence

line = types.FunctionType(line.__code__, {})
y1 = line(1, a, b)  # fails since global name is not defined

You can of course clean this up by defining your own decorator:

import types
noglobal = lambda f: types.FunctionType(f.__code__, {}, argdefs=f.__defaults__)

def f():
    return x

x = 5
f() # will fail

Strictly speaking you do not forbid it to access global variables, you just make the function believe there is no variables in global namespace. Actually you can also use this to emulate static variables since if it declares an variable to be global and assign to it it will end up in it's own sandbox of global namespace.

If you want to be able to access part of the global namespace then you'll need to populate the functions global sandbox with what you want it to see.

No, you cannot tell Python not to look names up in the global scope.

If you could, you would not be able to use any other classes or functions defined in the module, no objects imported from other modules, nor could you use built-in names. Your function namespace becomes a desert devoid of almost everything it needs, and the only way out would be to import everything into the local namespace. For every single function in your module.

Rather than try to break global lookups, keep your global namespace clean. Don't add globals that you don't need to share with other scopes in the module. Use a main() function for example, to encapsulate what are really just locals.

Also, add unittesting. Refactoring without (even just a few) tests is always prone to create bugs otherwise.

With @skyking's answer, I was unable to access any imports (I could not even use print). Also, functions with optional arguments are broken (compare How can an optional parameter become required?).

@Ax3l's comment improved that a bit. Still I was unable to access imported variables (from module import var).

Therefore, I propose this:

def noglobal(f):
    return types.FunctionType(f.__code__, globals().copy(), f.__name__, f.__defaults__, f.__closure__)

For each function decorated with @noglobal, that creates a copy of the globals() defined so far. This keeps imported variables (usually imported at the top of the document) accessible. If you do it like me, defining your functions first and then your variables, this will achieve the desired effect of being able to access imported variables in your function, but not the ones you define in your code. Since copy() creates a shallow copy (Understanding dict.copy() - shallow or deep?), this should be pretty memory-efficient, too.

Note that this way, a function can only call functions defined above itself, so you may need to reorder your code.

For the record, I copy @Ax3l's version from his Gist:

def imports():
    for name, val in globals().items():
        # module imports
        if isinstance(val, types.ModuleType):
            yield name, val
        # functions / callables
        if hasattr(val, '__call__'):
            yield name, val

noglobal = lambda fn: types.FunctionType(fn.__code__, dict(imports()))

To discourage global variable lookup, move your function into another module. Unless it inspects the call stack or imports your calling module explicitly; it won't have access to the globals from the module that calls it.

In practice, move your code into a main() function, to avoid creating unnecessary global variables.

If you use globals because several functions need to manipulate shared state then move the code into a class.