What happened to dconf/Nautilus "show-advanced-permissions" in 13.04?

When using Nautilus and right-clicking on a file > Properties, user is presented with a permissions tab. The default UI for this permissions tab is horribly difficult to understand and calibrate and lacks any sort of user-friendliness. Accordingly, I need Nautilus to display the alternate view: what has always been called "advanced-permissions" view. Here is what the "advanced-permissions" look like: enter image description here

using dconf Editor I have always been able to go to setting dconf-editor > org > gnome > nautilus > preferences > show-advanced-permissions and change the appearance of the permissions to this "advanced" presentation which makes the permissions much easier to understand and calibrate.

So how do I get Nautilus to display what has always been called "show-advanced-permissions"? Why is this setting missing from 13.04? How do I get it back?

Solution 1:

The advanced permissions mode in Nautilus was removed from August 2012.

Remove advanced permissions

This mode is worse than useless because it is impossible to find, it complicates the ongoing maintanence of the dialog, and if there is important configuration in it we should be offering it by default without a special hidden mode.

Source: index : nautilus - Commit message: Remove advanced permissions