Obtaining Cloth in A Dark Room

Quite simply, where is cloth obtained from in A Dark Room, and if there is more than one place, is any of them faster? I have only been able to find that it is obtainable from traps, which seem quite slow at the moment (I have just built the workshop).

Solution 1:

According to the wiki, Cloth can be acquired in 3 ways:

  1. From traps
  2. As a reward from combat with some enemies
  3. As loot in various parts of the world

Somebody also mentioned in a comment on the wiki page linked above that with respect to fighting enemies for cloth, you should:

go into the forest and you kill people that come out of houses

I don't know if any of these methods are faster or slower than others, though i would try fighting the enemies if you're finding that farming traps is inefficient and if you have the equipment and wherewithal to do so.