Stainless steel

I've some doubts about stainless steel, hope someone can clarify:

  1. It's only 2000 more durability compared to steel block, what is the point? Steel already offer whopping 19000 cumulative durability, why would I want to upgrade it more with the rare resource?
  2. How do I repair stainless steel? The wiki seems silent about what materials are used to repair blocks (or I am blind).

Solution 1:

The point is that it's just one more layer of protection. When you upgrade a steel block to stainless steel, it adds that 2000 durability. Whether or not it's worth it is entirely up to you.

In order to repair it, you need the same trader-sold materials, just as you need steel bars to repair a steel block. Personally I find stainless steel to be a money sink if you have way too much money and nothing to spend it on, which I would think is common in many end-game (300+ day) scenarios.