I am relatively new to Macs and their osascript syntax. I have a mac mini set up as a server and I am trying to use Apple Remote Desktop to send a command to one of the iMac workstations. When I send the command osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to shut down' I get the message execution error: File permission error (-54). I am unsure how to resolve this. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Solution 1:

If you want to run sudo command with ARD select run command as User and written root.

Edit : It doesn't have to go through the osascript to turn it off. A shutdown -h now with root user is enough

You can also shutdown the station via the Manage menu

enter image description here

Solution 2:

You can schedule shutdown's and restarts directly from within ARD, no scripting needed.

enter image description here