How can you summon an armor stand with a player skull?

I am wondering how to summon an armor stand with a head.

I am making a herobrine summoner with command blocks and need an armor stand with all diamond armor and a skull of herobrine, but this command I am using is not working:

/summon minecraft:armor_stand ~ ~1 ~ {ShowArms:1,NoBasePlate:1,ArmorItems:[{Count:1,id:diamond_boots}, {Count:1,id:diamond_leggings},{Count:1,id:diamond_chestplate}, {Count:1,id:skull SkullOwner:herobrine}]}

It doesn't work because you need to put the SkullOwner into the tag component of the item and not only separate it with a whitespace. Also, you need the Damaged tag for it to be a human's head.

/summon armor_stand ~ ~1 ~ {ShowArms:1,NoBasePlate:1,ArmorItems:[{id:diamond_boots,Count:1b},{id:diamond_leggings,Count:1b},{id:diamond_chestplate,Count:1b},{id:skull,Damage:3,Count:1b,tag:{SkullOwner:Herobrine}}]}