Skyrim ctd after a short playtime, help!

You're approaching a limit on mods. The limits on the game for mods is 254, which includes Skyrim.esm and Update.esm, making 256. You're packing in 227 mods to a 32 bit game, which can cause numerous problems.

Your problem appears to be two-fold. You've copied your Skyrim directory instead of reinstalling, and while this seems like an easy way to do it, you've likely encountered more problems than it's worth. It would be best if you did a full reinstall of the game, properly.

Secondly, as Frank mentioned, you'll need to disable all your mods. This is going to be tough, especially considering the size of your mod list, but when this many are involved, it's hard to tell what mods are conflicting or causing issues. The best way to do it is to disable them all, test your game, and begin reactivating in chunks. Again, this will take a while, and it will be a pain in the butt, but the things we do for mods, right?