What actions earn points in Dominion?

Can't guarantee that this list is complete yet, but here's all the awards I know of:

  • Kills & assists on a point grant double award (30/15 kill, 10/5 assist).
  • Point capture & neutralize are each +40 award.
  • Standing on or near a friendly point gives +5 award for point defense.
  • Channeling a point when neutralization or capture occurs grants a reward. If you cancel or are interrupted before your teammates complete a neutralization or capture, you get an assist reward (+20).
  • Interrupting an enemy channel grants +5 award.
  • Additional awards are granted for multi-kills & shutting down killing sprees.
  • Applying a friendly effect to an allied champion grants a supported ally award for +2 points.
  • Picking up a health pack grants +2 award.
  • Capturing the relic grants an award - Relic Hunter - and +3 points.
  • Capturing a quest point grants 20 points to the entire team.
  • Dying near a channeling ally who subsequently completes the capture grants a martyr award. (variable)
  • Dying shortly after interrupting enemy channel on a friendly point grants a martyr award. (variable)
  • Minion kills grant 2 points each.