Make the table listing show entire fields

I'd like to know if a way exists to make PHPMyAdmin show entire fields in the table browsing tab. Right now I have a TEXT field and I can never read the entries in their entirety.

How can I do that?

Solution 1:

Older versions of phpMyAdmin (when the question was asked)

Once you have the query results on the page there are a couple of options. In the left-most header column you should see a link something like <-- T --> If you mouse over that you will see that it toggles "full texts".

You can also click on "Print View (with full texts)" at the bottom of the results when you are viewing the partial texts. This option disappears (and is actually the default for Print View) once you have clicked the link mentioned above.

Current Versions

Click on +Options and you'll find a "Full Texts" radio button.

Solution 2:

Click on + Options

Select Full texts and click Go

Example image:

PhpMyAdmin Full texts

Solution 3:

There is another permanent solution if you could able to access the phpmyadmin configuration file The solution is to change LimitChars property from its default value 50 to any desired value.

In ubuntu 16.04 the configuration file may be found at /etc/phpmyadmin/ and I edited it like the following:

 * Directories for saving/loading files from server
$cfg['UploadDir'] = '';
$cfg['SaveDir'] = '';
//Add the following line
$cfg['LimitChars'] = 128;