How do I downgrade to an old version of compass using gem install?

I just had a similar situation and there is something else missing from @corroded answer. Since @Matt Lynn is downgrading, he needs to uninstall the existing version of compass.

$ sudo gem uninstall compass

$ sudo gem install compass --version versionnumber

Otherwise you will end up with two different versions of compass.

sudo gem install compass --version versionnumber

If you want to automate it in a script (I had the same problem after a gem update), just do the following:

  1. Install your favored version (if you don't have already)

    gem install compass -v 1.2.3

  2. Uninstall newer versions

    gem uninstall compass -v '>1.2.3' --force

A Gem update doesn't 'update' the gem, but it installs a newer version of it.

So you to uninstall the newer version and leave behind the older.

Eg, for me, I wanted to revert back to an older version of selenium-webdriver, this is what I did:

- gem uninstall selenium-webdriver

This gave me an option to select gem to uninstall, with the following options:

    1. selenium-webdriver-3.4.3
    2. selenium-webdriver-3.8.0
    3. All versions

I entered 2 and the latest version was unistalled, leaving my system with the desired older version.

To install a particular version that doesn't exist in your system, just select 3 to uninstall all versions and install the specific version with:

gem install selenium-webdriver -v 3.5.3

Replace selenium-webdriver with your gem name and 3.5.3 with the version you want.

Hope this helps somebody!