How to delete my itunesconnect app with status "Prepare for Submission"?

I am trying to change my Bundle-ID & SKU but i came to know that its not possible.

So i decided to delete this app and create the new one with appropriate naming, still i didn't submit anything to itunes.

But there is no option for deleting the submission

This is my 1st experience with itunes connect. When i created my 1st project, i gave random Bundle-ID & SKU, now my app is ready and i realised that it should be something else.

Any help will be great.

You can change it here (follow the red square as shown below)

In my case i accidentally entered version number '6.0.1' when i actually wanted '6.1'. The 'version' field is editable. when you change it and hit the 'save' button (give it a second..) it will change.

enter image description here

There is no way to delete an app in that state, according to the iTunes Connect Developer Guide.

Apps that have not been approved yet can’t be deleted

The only thing we can do for now is to change the name and bundle ID until Apple changes its mind.

Edit: Seems that Apple finally made this possible according to Leszek Szary's answer here