How do I make the Dash open up fullscreen in 2D?

How to make the dash in Unity 2D open up full-screen?

Solution 1:


Fortunately this is very simple now in 12.04

First open the Dash

enter image description here

Then click the maximize button:

enter image description here

This remembers the setting between Dash openings and session re-logins.

Solution 2:


I've found a workaround to do that.

Open the file /usr/share/unity-2d/places/dash.qml.

Find this code:

        if (currentPage != undefined) {
        currentPage.visible = false
    currentPage = page
    currentPage.visible = true
    dashView.dashMode = DashDeclarativeView.FullScreenMode //AND ADD THIS LINE

NOTE: I've tested this on the daily build of Unity-2d from PPA, I'm not sure it works on the Natty version.

EDIT: The code on the Natty version it's similar, and is between the line 42 and 50.

Solution 3:


This works in 11.10: add the same line, not in 'activateHome', put it it 'Connections':

Connections {
        target: dashView
        onActiveChanged: {
            if (! {
                /* FIXME: currentPage needs to stop pointing to pageLoader.item
                          that is about to be invalidated otherwise a crash
                          occurs because SearchEntry has a binding that refers
                          to currentPage and tries to access it.
                currentPage = undefined
                pageLoader.source = ""
        dashView.dashMode = DashDeclarativeView.FullScreenMode //THIS IS THE NEW LINE

Solution 4:


Just found how to fix it in Natty. Add the line:

dashView.dashMode = DashDeclarativeView.FullScreenMode

in function activateHome(). By example:

function activateHome() {
  pageLoader.source = "Home.qml"
  /* Take advantage of the fact that the loaded qml is local and setting
     the source loads it immediately making pageLoader.item valid */
  pageLoader.item.shortcutsActive = true
  dashView.activePlaceEntry = ""
  dashView.dashMode = DashDeclarativeView.FullScreenMode // ADD THIS LINE