How to launch terminal on login

  1. Press the Super key (windows key).
  2. Type "Startup Applications"
  3. Click on the Startup Applications option
  4. Click "Add"
  5. In the "name" field, type Terminal
  6. In the "command" field, type gnome-terminal
  7. Click "Add"

You are done! Next time you login, the terminal app will be launched.

You can do this without GUI:

  1. On your terminal, navigate to .config/autostart directory. .config/autostart may be in your home directory:

    cd ~/.config/autostart
  2. Open the (new) gnome-terminal.desktop file with your favourite text editor. I use vi:

    vi gnome-terminal.desktop
  3. Paste the following code in the file. Update some lines if you like as you find suitable, or simply use as is:

    [Desktop Entry]
    Comment[en_NG]=Start Terminal On Startup
    Comment=Start Terminal On Startup
  4. Save the file, and you're done.

If you need the terminal to both start and run a custom shell script command, edit the gnome-terminal.desktop file and change the line that goes Exec=gnome-terminal to Exec=gnome-terminal --command "path/to/your/shell/script".

If you don't want to have a terminal window open on every login there is a simple way to get one as soon as you need it: CTRLALTT will open a terminal window immediately.