What determines the number of hearts Wolf Link has?

When Amiiboing Wolf Link in, what determines the number of hearts he has? I heard it was defined by your Twilight Princess HD savefile on WiiU, but does that mean if you play on Switch you are stuck on minimum hearts?

Solution 1:

It's based on Twilight Princess HD Cave of Shadows save data that you save to the Amiibo itself. It does not use the normal save file from the game but the save data you save to the Amiibo after completing the Cave of Shadows so the fact that it is a different system does not play into effect.

The exact hearts you get are based on what you save to the the Amiibo once you complete a section the amount of hearts wolf link currently has still full. So easiest way to get 20/20 hearts saved is:

  • Get 20 Hearts normally
  • Head to the Cave of Shadows
  • Get to floor 6 with Full Health
  • Now save to the Ammibo