Wasd + spacebar + r doesn't work [duplicate]

For example: Space (jump) + WASD (move) and R (Sprint). In this case I can sprint, but I can't jump at the same time.

But if I try Space + WASD + another key like F it does work.

I have a Sharkoon Skiller Pro (it is made for gaming), and sticky keys are off.

PS: This is annoying in games like Minecraft.

Solution 1:

The Skiller Pro appears to have multi-key rollover, as opposed to N-key rollover. This means that certain key combinations are impossible to press together at the same time. (For example, my laptop keyboard cannot press CYOM pr WAS at the same time.) It appears that this may be the case for your keyboard with W/A/S/D + Space + R.

To test this, open notepad and hold down all of those keys. If one of the keys can't be recognised, it means your keyboard is not capable of handling that combination. For instance, if I hold W, then A, then D, without letting go of any of them, I get something like WWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA - note the absence of a D.

Solution 2:

Three things I can think of: (1) you have a conflicting keybind preventing R from activating sprint properly, or (2) your keyboard simply doesn't allow all those keys to be pressed at the same time, or (3) drivers.

(1) Check Options > Controls and look at the sprint keybind. If it is white then you have no conflicts (unless you're playing with mods and a mod's keybinds are in another menu). If it is orange or red then there is another action also bound to R. You'll have to remove one of them for the other to function correctly.

(2) Try a different keyboard.

(3) Since you have a keyboard designed for gaming it's possible that you need to install special software or drivers. Many driver updater and installation "assistants" are simply adware/malware, so be sure to get the drivers from an included CD or the manufacturer's website. Head to a reputable tech site like HowToGeek if you need help installing them.

If none of those worked, you'll need to use a different key (or mouse button if you have spares) for sprint, or go old-school and simply double-tap W.