Pumping water into IndustrialCraft2 machines

Solution 1:

Here's a setup I just did using the latest version of the pack in creative mode:

enter image description here

You can see it being powered by a bat box, with water being pumped in using fluid ducts from an Aqueous Accumulator (which is powered by a creative capacitor under it).

As you can see, it's full:

enter image description here

And here we've got it essentially the same way, except using a pressurized fluid conduit from Ender IO:

enter image description here

So the quick-n-cheap route is just use the pump (accumulator) from Thermal Expansion along with the (rather cheap) fluid ducts, if you want to get fancy then you can use other options.

I miss BC too, especially the pump, as it's so versatile. But TE has you covered.