How do you spell the word for phoning by Skype? I would like to use the word in a semi-formal way, in a work related email conversation, where I start emails with "Hi".

Skyping or Skypeing

Solution 1:

Use "Skyping"; just as you would "Googling" if you want to write what most people do (Based off Google hits per usage). Proper verbs (sic) seem to drop their final 'e' according to populism. That said, both are used.

Imho; Skypeing and Googleing are more correct since proper nouns are usually immutable. We don't capitalize the "i" in "iPhone" and I know of the Kennedys but not of the Kennedies.

That said I always suggest writing what others do when in doubt.

TLDR: Skyping.

Solution 2:

In your case, it would be "skyping".

The rule for this is very simple. If the word ends in a silent 'e', and the suffix begins with a vowel, then the silent 'e' is dropped. This only applies to silent 'e', and not to any vowels. Examples are:


Note how in "hopeless" the suffix doesn't begin with a vowel, so the silent 'e' is not dropped; also, "hoped" in which the suffix is "-ed", so its not "hopeed", but the silent 'e' has been dropped.

Solution 3:

Although there are a few rare worlds ending "eing" ("queueing" is common and valid, although queuing is also used) in general, it's not done. Therefore I would suggest "skyping" would be the correct word.

Solution 4:

I would go with skyping because if you were to use "skypeing" you have placed two vowels together which, ignoring the few exceptions (ie dyeing which has previously been noted), is incorrect English literature.