What is the alternative for the chart extender attribute in PrimeFaces 5.2 and newer

I'm using primefaces 5.2 latest version and tried for line chart, it's working fine.

Am trying to change the line chart axes color,background,border, etc. but extender attribute is not working in latest primefaces version.


 <p:chart type="line" model="#{chartViewLine.lineModel1}" styleClass="legendpos" extender="chartExtender" style="height:300px; width:570px;"/>


function chartExtender() {        
    this.cfg.grid = {             
    background: 'transparent',
    gridLineColor: '#303030',
    drawBorder: false,

Is any alternative for 'extender' attribute OR my code have any wrong syntax?

Solution 1:

You should now set your extender from your model in your chartViewLine bean.

LineChartModel model = new LineChartModel();

Attribute extender has been removed in PrimeFaces 5.0 (see also list of p:chart attributes from PrimeFaces 5.0 Documentation)