Mac Office PowerPoint save as PDF with hyperlinks

I'm using Microsoft PowerPoint 2011 to create a presentation, and want to save the document in PDF form. However, when I save the file using Mac's print dialog, hyperlink information is lost in the resulting PDF file. How can I save the presentation as a PDF while still enabling hyperlinks?

Solution 1:

I know this is a few years late, but I finally found the workaround since Microsoft is too lazy to fix this for Mac. If you open the PowerPoint in Apple's Keynote, then export from Keynote as a PDF, all hyperlinks (both in-document and URLs) will remain intact!

Solution 2:

I've found what I believe is an ideal solution to this problem. provides a free online PPT to PDF conversion service, and it works great for preserving both formatting and hyperlinks.

It can sometimes mess with formatting of embedded charts, but there is an easy workaround. Just "Save Picture As ..." to create a PNG from the chart, then delete the chart and insert the PNG. Smallpdf works for PPT and PPTX, but not PPTM. If you have a PPTM, save it as a PPTX before converting. Note that the free service is limited to two conversions per hour.

The Keynote workflow works too, but as others have noted, it tends to change how slides are formatted.

I hope others find this as useful as I do!