Spam is Killing Me - Can I use GMail as a spam filter?

Solution 1:

Look into the Postini services from Google.

Solution 2:

Not exactly what you asked, but we block about 95% of spam with stock Exchange 2007 just by using the Spamhaus block list at no cost. Are you using any block lists? Can you control the blocklist in the hosted Exchange?

Solution 3:

Yes, Gmail can filter your spam if you route all your mail through it. But you will need to forward your mail a couple of times. If you prefer Gmail, then you can skip steps 2 and 3!

  1. Set all your mailboxes to forward all mail to a single target Gmail address.
    • Don't read mail in those mailboxes anymore. The target Gmail address works as your spam filter for all your above mailboxes.
  2. In that target Gmail account, set up a rule to forward everything to a new mailbox. This rule will forward everything except the caught spam, and that's exactly what you wanted.
    • This could be a new Gmail account or a new Exchange account; whatever you prefer. The address of this mailbox is irrelevant and should be kept secret.
  3. Use the new account as your only account, and set it up so that the sender and reply addresses are whatever you want your "official" address to be (regardless of the actual address of this account).
    • Only tell people your "official" address, not the address of this account.

Now, any mail to any account will be filtered by Gmail and then sent to your new account.