Idiom for 'after they get what they want'

Is there an English idiom meaning "after they get what they want" in the following dialog:

A: Mike was much friendlier when he was a low-ranking officer. He doesn't even say hi to his old friends these days.
B: Well, yeah. He used to need us but now that he's a high-ranking officer ...
A: Right. People tend to forget about you after they get what they want (when they don't need you anymore)

Solution 1:

... People tend to forget about you after you've served your purpose.

Example from Jerry Hall in The Guardian newspaper:

I ask her when, having put up with Jagger's many infidelities in the past, she knew it was time to split. "After the fourth child," she says. "I thought, 'Right, done that, he's served his purpose.'" And she laughs her machine-gun laugh. Her second son, Gabriel, was just two when the annulment came through.

Definition from is:

Be useful, meet the needs or requirements, satisfy ... ...first recorded in 1513.

Solution 2:

Consider, get one's fill

Also, have one's fill. Be satisfied; have enough (or more than enough) of something. This expression alludes to having enough (or too much) to eat. [Mid-1500s] The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms